

Hello and welcome to my little spot on the world wide web!
Here you will find lots of pictures of nail art, some tutorials and guides to different nail polish related things.

A little bit about me and how I got into nail art : 

I'm a 23 year old PhD student from Perth, Australia. 
I first took an interest in nail polish when I was about 10 and wanted to be like my wonderful Mum who always has long beautiful nails. I then started getting into nail art when I was writing my honours thesis in 2011. I guess all those long hours staring at my nails while typing did it.
The first nail art that I tried was some dotted flowers with a toothpick, and after a quick google search I discovered there was such things as "dotting tools". I promptly ordered some from ebay, along with various other nail art supplies such as rhinestones, fimo and stamping plates. 

So I guess that was the springboard into my now giant collection of nail polish, stamping plates and all sorts of other nail related paraphernalia. I currently have no idea how many polishes I have as I'm too scared to count! There are four crates.... not counting a draw full of 'back-ups' of my favorite polishes.

I find painting and decorating my nails very relaxing- it's a kind of de-stressing therapy. Once I started to get better at nail art, I started taking pictures. I find if I have a nice picture of my nails, I don't feel sad when they chip or I remove them- meaning I can do my nails as often as I want!! That is part of the reason I started a blog. The other is that it encourages me to try new techniques that I wouldn't usually attempt. 

Anyway,  I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy working on it!
Please email me at if you want to ask me anything privately :) 



  1. Hello Chanpuff!!!!

    Sheba was telling me about this talent of yours, and wow she wasn't kidding, you're awesome with nails!! Much better than I am, I'm lucky to pull off a decent set of whitetips without incident!



  2. Hey Taar!
    Wow best comment ever!!!! I am downloading Triallin on my home computer so hopefully we can chat soon :)
    Chan xxxxx


Thank you for your comments! I read every single one from both new and old posts, and will do my best to respond to any questions you may have in a timely fashion :)